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The Department of North Carolina is happy to announce the addition of Julia Budjan(Boo-jhon) as Department Secretary. 


Julia has an extensive background in marketing and process improvement. She is a member of Department Unit 1981, being eligible for membership through her Grandfather, her two sons and  her daughter. We look forward to her joining the staff.


Julia will be training with Betty Allen, Judy Stancil and Janice MacLeod and the other officers and committee chairs. Please introduce yourself when you get a chance. Her email address is  This is the address for all headquarters communications.


Please address all questions to Julia but know that she may need to get back to you with an answer, as she is still training and learning the processes and procedures of the department. For further assistance, please see the list below and contact the appropriate person.  


Thank you in advance for your patience during this time.  


For God & Country,

Betty Moore - Department President


Membership Questions:      

Julie Smith, Membership Chairman

Phone:  704-647-1193, Email:  juliehsmith1960


Finance Questions:

Janice MacLeod - Finance Chairman

Phone:  980-253-0656, Email:


All Other Questions:

Betty Moore - Department President

Phone: 336-552-6503, Email:

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